Saturday, July 14, 2012

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PPC Or Pay per click advertising

This is one of the most popular methods of internet marketing methods where a top website hosts an ad for which the advertiser pays the website each time the ad is clicked. They mostly depend upon the keyword and they must be completely relevant to the product and the target market.

The speed at which the pay per click campaigns work is the most advantageous aspect. You can get to know the result of your strategy very quickly and this enables you to make the changes at once. Once you decide over the budget and the right keywords for usage, you can start off with the PPC management campaigns and when done in the right manner can reap the results very quickly.

Based on your marketing strategy, the targeted traffic can also be brought to your website and when the visitors to your website are attracted towards your products or services, there can be no doubt about the increase in the business and eventually in the profits. The brand you own gains an instant recognition as well.

The flexibility that the PPC management campaigns provide is another important feature that is worth a mention. When you find your strategy not working to your expectation, you can change the strategy including the keywords and other features in the advertisement.

You can attract the target customers without much effort and when this is done with respect to targeted ppc advertising you can also catch the attention of the customers from a particular area too. You can use your intellect on your own to woo the customers in an easy way. One of the most beneficial aspects about the internet marketing is that there is no restriction for the marketing time and the marketing area. The businessmen don't even require spending much of money in the advertising and internet marketing companies like utilizing other marketing methods.

Internet marketing can be done in many ways and some of them are Pay per click advertising, marketing through emails, search engine marketing, banner advertising, seo services, blog marketing and article marketing. Each of these methods has a uniqueness of its own and requires a special strategy to derive success.

 PPC Marketing Strategies?

"Pay per click marketing works well"
"Pay per click marketing hits you where it hurts".
Both these statements are true depending how you strategize, plan, produce, and manage your PPC ad campaign. Before you even think of PPC advertising, you have to get your basics right, or be prepared to even go kaput.

Basics of PPC search engine marketing

Here are the basic tenets of PPC marketing solutions:

Figure out what will please your target audience

You might be selling a new product and your customers may want a free trial. Or, you might be offering SEO (Search Engine Optimization) services and your customers may want to see your samples or check out your references. So, every product or a service will have some intrinsic features attached to it, which a potential customer would like to try out. Figure these out right at the start, and you are already on your way.

Get your Calculation right

Assume you are selling a product that is worth $ 40 and your profit margins are 25%, and assume that the average bid amount you are spending on your PPC campaign is $ 3 per click. Let us say you get 2000 visitors and 300 of them (15%) get converted to customers. So, you have spent $ 6,000, grossed $ 12,000, made a gross profit of $ 3,000, but have ended up actually losing $ 3,000. Such a campaign is not worth it! Hence, it is very important to do a breakeven analysis before doing a PPC campaign.

Place your ad on the right website

Google, Yahoo, and Ask are the major players in the PPC market. But there is life beyond them, and smaller search engines - which are cheaper too - may just be your cup of tea. Alternatively, you may not need a search engine to advertise your product. For example, if you want to market a software product, you would be better off placing your PPC ad on sites that offer downloads, such as On the other hand, if you are selling an in dustrial product then your potential customers are more likely to frequent an industrial products finder search engine rather than Google or Yahoo. If you place your PPC ad on the wrong website then you can kiss your money goodbye.

Write accurate ads

Don't hype up things in your ad. Instead, use simple but effective "chicken soup" language. Words that enthuse and make people act are recommended. The basic thing is: Write a good, effective ad. If you can't do it, get professional help. Whatever the case may be, just do it right. And don't forget to get the right keywords, both in the ad title and in the phrases that follow.

 Ad testing

Before launching the PPC campaign, test out your PPC ad and check for errors, landing page errors, etc.; get everything right before you begin.

These are the basics of any PPC campaign. Get them right, and your job's done. Get them wrong, and you will be reading this guide all over again.

PPC Advertisements: Advantages and disadvantages

Normally, an advertiser will want a PPC campaign going if:
  • His business is a start-up and he needs some kind of exposure online. Of course, this is assuming that he has the necessary funds - venture capital or borrowed money - in the bank.
  • His competitors are fast outstripping his business because they are luring online customers, whereas he does not have a web presence or if he has his site is not attracting customers.

Vishal Agnihotri

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